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Remembering Iran Contra

Oliver North: "I don't think it was wrong,
I think it was a neat idea"


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Arrogance on parade


On this day in 1985, the Red, White and Blue administration of Ronald Reagan illegally arranged for 96 anti-tank missiles to be sent to Iran.

What was Iran Contra?

For starters, it was high treason.

What happened?

The US illegally sold arms to Iran and then used the profits to illegally fund terrorists in Nicaragua in an attempt to undermine the government of that country.

And they traded guns for drugs too (though that part was left out of mainstream news reporting.)

The Arkansas branch of this criminal enterprise (Mena) put Bill Clinton on the map.

Note what fantastic and arrogant liars Oliver North and company are.

The short version:

Brasscheck TV's answer to the normal human question: "What can I do?"
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