Who are you going to believe? NASA or your own lying eyes.
Follow the shots. I'll show you what to look for.
00:00 - 00:20
Astronaut in blue pulls other astronaut's harness out of the shot
00:21 - 00:39
"Weightless" astronaut flies by with a very obvious harness and line (computer graphics failure)
00:40 - 1:10
Major "blue screen" edit problem as Chinese astro-naught materializes out of nowhere and you can see right through him
1:11 - 1:52
This time an astro-naught DE-materializes. Watch how you can see right through him at the very end.
1:53 - 2:24
The top of this guy's head suddenly becomes transparent - end of the shot
2:31 - 2:57
Careless computer graphics work. The wires are gone, but you can see two places on his shirt are still pulled up very sharply showing where the wires were attached
2:58 - 3:18
George Bush Sr. is wheeled into the control room for a press event and the cameraman carelessly captures an astro-naught on screen "in space" standing in front of an advanced blue screen. (They should not have blue screen on the space station!)
4:35 -
Oops. Another astro-naught materializes out of nowhere and appears to be missing his foot!
6:20 -
Hear the sound of the jet engine as they fake orbital weightlessness. It happens in every faked full motion video from the international "space station."
Weight a minute! How is she grabbing and manipulating an object that just materialized out of thin air?
Augmented Virtual reality contact lenses so astro-naughts can "see" computer graphics artifacts and manipulate them. Sometimes the system fails and the astro-naughts a grabbing "things" we can't see.
13:08 Wearable holograms exist, now, today
15:19 An astro-naughts's arm dissolves
And on and on it goes
Brasscheck TV's answer to the normal human question: "What can I do?"